Galerie Bärbel Grässlin
F +49—69—299 246 729
Schäfergasse 46 B
60313 Frankfurt, Germany
T +49—69—299 246 7060313 Frankfurt, Germany
F +49—69—299 246 729
Opening Hours:
From the Main Station:
S-Bahn: Nr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 direction Offenbach, Hanau or Frankfurt Süd, exit at KonstablerwacheU-Bahn: Nr. 4 & 5, direction Enkheim & Preungesheim, exit at Konstablerwache
By Car:
Directions by car from A5:Take exit 18/Nordwestkreuz Frankfurt,
follow A66 till Miquelallee/B8,
follow Miquelallee/B8 till Eschersheimer Landstraße,
follow Eschersheimer Landstraße till Schäfergasse
From the Airport:
Directions by public transport from Frankfurt/Main airport:S-Bahn: 8 & 9, direction Hanau Hbf, exit at Konstablerwache