Andreas Breunig — Biography
- Andreas Breunig
- 1983
- born in Eberbach, Odenwald
lives in Düsseldorf
- 2002 – 2008
- Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Prof. Albert Oehlen
- 2008
- "Der vereinende Ast", Villa de Bank, Enschede (S)
- 2008
- "Sootboring" (with Kerstin Brätsch, Allison Katz), Kunsthaus Sootbörn, Hamburg (G)
- 2011
- "fine line?" Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf (G)
- 2012
- "new talents biennale cologne", Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cologne (G)
- 2014
- "Hausreste" (curated by Albert Oehlen), Haus der Kunst St. Josef Solothurn (G)
- 2016
- "Fasi Lunari" (curated by Albert Oehlen & Francesco Stocchi), Fondazione Carriero, Milano (G)
- 2018
- "VOTE" with Jana Schröder, Kunstverein Heppenheim, Heppenheim (S)
- 2018
- "Ein Tun ohne Bild", Kunstverein Reutlingen, Reutlingen (G)
- 2018
- "TRANCE: A show by Albert Oehlen", Aishti Foundation, Beirut (G)
- 2019
- "Jetzt!", Museum Wiesbaden, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauer (G)
- 2020
- "Jetzt!", Deichtorhallen Hamburg (G)
- 2020
- "PLAY ME HAVE NO PROBS", Kunstverein Heppenheim (S)
- 2020
- "Echo Chambers" (curated by Christian Malycha), Galerie Bärbel Grässlin, Frankfurt (G)
- 2021
- "inscrutable glade & cleaning projects (Full Circle)", Galerie Bärbel Grässlin, Frankfurt (S, C)
- 2021/22
- "21/21. neue malerei in der sammlung", Kunsthaus NRW, Aachen-Kornelimünster (G)
- 2022
- "completely incomplete EXTANT (extended)", Galerie Bärbel Grässlin, Frankfurt (S, C)
- 2022
- "Die Nacktheit der Zeichnung", H2 - Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst, Augsburg (G)
- 2025
- Galerie Bärbel Grässlin, Frankfurt (S, C)
G = group show
S = solo show
C = catalogue